Working for a CLEAN Tomorrow

In The Circular Economy

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Our company leverages advanced pyrolysis technology to transform plastic and tire waste into high-quality, sustainable fuel and other green products.  By converting non-recyclable materials into valuable energy resources,

we address a serious local and global challenge. We are building a true Green Tech business

that has the potential to scale and build wealth for our stakeholders all

while addressing one of the most serious problems of our time,

what to do with overwhelmed landfills and the

thousands of tons of plastic waste being discarded in our oceans.

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Tire Waste


Plastic Waste

The U.S. generates over 290 million used tires annually, creating significant waste management challenges. These tires often end up in landfills, causing environmental harm. To address this, innovative solutions like pyrolysis can convert used tires into fuel, reducing waste, and offering a sustainable alternative to disposal.

Pyrolysis technology heats old tires and plastic waste in an oxygen-free environment, breaking them down into smaller molecules. This process produces clean fuel, such as synthetic oil or gas, while minimizing harmful emissions. Pyrolysis offers an efficient, eco-friendly solution for converting non-recyclable waste into valuable energy resources.

The U.S. produces over 40 million tons of plastic waste annually, with only a small fraction recycled. Most plastic ends up in landfills or polluting oceans, causing environmental damage. Addressing this crisis requires innovative solutions like pyrolysis, which can convert plastic waste into fuel, reducing pollution and waste accumulation.

Project in Focus. Pyrolysis

Turning Waste into Energy

The Plastic Waste Problem

Its estimated that over 12 million tons of plastic is dumped into the ocean every single year. Countless fish, birds, turtles and other marine creatures are killed each and every year by mistaking plastics for food or getting entangled in discarded fishing nets across the world.

Plastics don’t disappear over time either. Instead they break down into smaller and smaller pieces. These tiny plastics enter the ocean food chain and have been found inside humans, with as yet unknown effects on our health. Microplastics have now been found in humans.

We have a unique opportunity to create a billion-dollar company that addresses one of the most pressing problems of the day. What to do with the 34 million tons of plastic created in the US every year? The US is the world's largest producer of plastics with more than 8 million tons a year ending up in the ocean. That’s the equivalent to 2000 garbage trucks dumping plastic into the oceans, rivers, and lakes every single day.

The Tire Waste Problem

In the US alone, a staggering 317 million waste tires are discarded annually—that's 9 tires every second. And every year, there’s a new waste tire for every person in the country.

What happens to all these tires once they’re no longer on the road? A significant portion of them, around 75%, end up in landfills. Waste Tires make up nearly 2% of total global waste, leading to environmental and health hazards due to improper waste management. 

The Solution. Tire Pyrolysis Oil

Tire pyrolysis oil (TPO) is the most abundant product of tire pyrolysis since 85 per cent of tire components are petroleum-based. TPO’s properties are similar to some fossil fuels and can be used in many applications, including:

  • As fuel for motor vehicles, diesel burners, generators, engineering machinery, etc.
  • As oil for power generation and heating
  • Act as feedstock for the manufacture of medium to low reinforcing virgin Carbon Black

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